MLNerdie x Delhi

Making Machine Learning Research Accessible to Everyone

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What we do?

MLNerdie is a cultural movement propagated around the world by some incredibly dedicated machine learning researchers who believe in making machine learning research more accessible to everyone. As such, they conduct local events, hackathons and conferences to propagate a rigorous research culture. MLNerdie provides a platform for the A.I. industry, academics, post-graduate and published graduate students to present their research and collaborate to build strong machine learning culture and communities locally.


Shreya is a machine learning researcher and senior year Software Engineering undergraduate at Delhi Technological University, Delhi. A NSF funded RIPS Scholar, she has worked as a research intern at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA for Google, LA to devise privacy protection algorithms. Previously, she has interned in IIT, Delhi and published a paper on computational neuroscience to design an artificially intelligent machine learning framework. Shreya is a Lead at Women Who Code Delhi and is a Google Women Techmakers Scholar for APAC 2019. Her research interests include designing novel algorithms in Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Sequential Modelling using foundational mathematics.

Vaibhav Kumar

Another awesome person!


She is ashima

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